Sunday 30 August 2015 our studio

We have a dedicated studio within Looking Good Beauty Salon where you can relax during your treatment. Scented candles and relaxing music combine with a clean, clinical atmosphere as we erase your tattoo and restore your skin back to its original state. A variety of methods of pain relief are available for clients concerned about the procedure being painful (although we find the majority tolerate the treatment well and report it being less painful than having the tattoo inked originally).

Sunday 23 August 2015

10 Reasons You No Longer Love your Tattoo

Nothing lasts forever and a tattoo is no different.

No matter how sure we were that it would remain a permanent feature in our lives, we can, and do, change our minds.

Here are some of the reasons why- you might be surprised!

1. Poor Quality: You planned a special tattoo and the artist did not deliver to your standard and you're disappointed with the result. Don't worry, as well as full removal you could opt for a couple of treatments to fade it before a cover up. This prevents any cover up from having to be darker and larger.

2. Change in Fashion: Tattoos are like our favourite clothes. We wear them all the time and love them to bits but sometimes the feeling they are dated or no longer in fashion can outweigh their benefits and it's time for them to go or hide (see above).

3. Changed your Mind: Simply fancy a change? No problem thanks to state of the art laser technology.

4. No longer appropriate: You may decide what was flirty in your 20s and fun in your 30s, even acceptable in your 40s may be inappropriate in your 50s and you now wish to have it removed. The good news is older tattoos can be removed with fewer treatments than newer ones.

5. Weight Loss: Those who have lost a lot of weight can see their long straight tattoo crinkle up into a wobbly mass as their skin shrinks. Treat yourself and get it removed. You deserve it.

6. Pregnancy: I have seen lots of lower abdomen and around the belly button tattoos which have suffered due to one or more pregnancies. Stretch marks, caesarean scars and the massive increase in girth that accompanies pregnancy can transform a small elegant dolphin into an ugly eel. Once finished having babies is the best time to have these removed.

7. New Job: Many feel self-conscious if they have a job or a uniform that leaves their tattoo on display. Catering staff, NHS staff who need to be 'naked below the elbow' and sometimes when it's just too hot in the office and you want to roll your sleeves up. Don't let a tattoo restrict your life. 6 months and it could be gone forever.

8. New Partner: Need I say more?

9. Spelling Mistake: Embarrassing to say the least (even although it's not your fault). Have it removed altogether or faded enough to allow correction.

10. Wrong Symbol or Lettering: you know, the Chinese proverb that is in fact a load of made up nonsense? Don't delay, get it removed today.

Monday 17 August 2015

Pain Relief Options Available

Every one of us perceives pain differently: what may be minimal discomfort to some can be unbearable to others.

We offer a range of options for pain relief for those clients who prefer this, and many can be used in combination.


1. A most basic method is to have relaxing music playing during a procedure. Research shows this reduces the pain perceived at all levels. Further, subliminal messaging throughout the music can provide further benefit to those susceptible to this. Feel free to bring your own preferred version of relaxing music.

2. Taking a pain killing tablet an hour before your appointment will allow it to begin working in before the treatment begins, and lessen the pain felt. Paracetamol 1g is an example but may not be suitable for those on other paracetamol containing medicines. Please check with the doctor at your initial consultation.

3. Ice. Applying ice packs to the area to be treated numbs the nerve endings temporarily by cooling them significantly. We have ice packs available.


4. It is possible to apply a local anaesthetic cream to the tattooed area prior to treatment which will numb the skin. This will remove some, but not all of the discomfort associated with the procedure. Some of the pain is due to the ink particles breaking up under the skin and this is unaffected by a superficial cream. The doctor will supply this cream in advance of your appointment.


5. As doctors, we can inject local anaesthetic around the area to be treated. This completely numbs (freezes) the area and this effect will last for 6-8 hours afterwards too. (The same technique is used for surgical excision of tattoos.) This procedure can be discussed with the doctor in advance. Please note it may not be suitable for all clients.

As ever, if there are any questions please do not hesitate to ask.